Thursday, October 16, 2008

My 100th Post!

Whoa. Can you believe I've had 100 different reasons to "blog" since April? If you've been a faithful reader since the beginning--thanks for sticking with me! If you've just jumped on board then I hope you can stay for another 100 posts!

In honor of the big 100--here are 100 reasons why I love to blog...

1. JUST KIDDING. Wouldn't that have been something...

Instead, here are few posts, that to me, are worth noting.

First Post: One of those Moments

Favorite Posts: Take it with a grain of salt
Hello my name is Kristie and I am a blog stalker
I hear a fricket and I will name him Mommy!

Hardest post to write: Taking a moment

And finally, the post that still gives me goosebumps. This post makes me grateful and puts into writing "all that we have and all that we have done (especially Brent). Pinch me I must be dreaming.

Here is to 100 more posts!


Anne said...

Congrats!!!! You are a WONDERFUL Blogger:) I love the Fricket story too.

Kristen said...

Happy 100th!! The Train Pants might be my favorite. hehe. so cute.

Abbie said...

I also love the Fricket story..SO CUTE!!!!

Amanda Jean said...

You are a much better blogger than me! So dedicated, so's to hoping you have many more frickety, plastic pantied visits to college town like that!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cran!
I love to read your blog. I am indeed a blogstalker of your blog. I love to read your blog because the way you write your blogs is the exact way you tell stories, and I miss your stories! I miss the funny way you have of telling people things. It is fun to feel like I know what is new with you and your family all the time. I enjoy it, so keep it up!