Friday, September 30, 2011

House Projects: Laundry Room

The laundry room is one of a handful of projects that we’ve been working on.  Let’s be really honest, my parents have kept this house in really great condition.  To say the least, we were so lucky to walk into a clean, well kept home.  The first question most people ask me when they come to our new house is “Is it weird that you are living in your parents house?”  The honest truth is that no, it is not.  This move has felt right from the minute we committed to it.  Has it been easy?  No.  Moving, unpacking, and standing in the family room of the house I grew up in, took a lot of work.  We are trying to make changes that help put our touch, to an already beautiful homestead.  With each small project complete, I look around and feel a little bit more like this home feels like ours.

We have learned a lot. Too much at times.  To name just a few: Check the Better Business Bureau before signing an agreement with a company. Round Up kills more than just weeds—it kills grass too. 

For now, we busted through ripping down some wallpaper and putting a fresh coat of paint up in the laundry room.  Picture overload-you’ve been warned.

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The kids thought ripping the wallpaper was like opening a Christmas present.
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Ripping the wallpaper off was the easy part. Removing every bit of glue gunk, on the other hand, took lots of elbow grease and patience.

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Wallpaper ripped off. Glue scraped off (courtesy of Downy fabric softener).  Gary stepped in to help paint the ceiling and prime the walls.  As we were told by lots of different experts, when it comes to removing wallpaper its all about the prep work…

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Prep work done. I was left to myself to finish it up with a couple coats of paint.

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Ta Da!
New paint, a new light fixture, new hardware, and (coming soon) a freshly painted back door.

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Next up: A finished kitchen remodel!!

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