The day Brent got his assignment date for Oklahoma City my mind was sent into a flurry. I began thinking about all the things that would change for the 4 months that he is away. How would I handle it? Could I really miss someone for 4 months without going crazy? How would he handle it? But most importantly, How would Mallory handle it? What am I supposed to do when she misses her daddy so much that only
he will do? A daddy's girl from the minute she arrived into this world, I know this
transition (I am beginning to REALLY hate that word and I am so ready for it to be done being used in our lives) will prove to be tough. Armed with many ideas I set off weaning out the not so great ones and making lists with Brent for the good ones. One of the ideas was for Mallory and Brent to make a bear at the "Build A Bear" store. Brent would tell her that when he was in Oklahoma and she missed him that she could hug this special bear that they made together and it would be just like hugging daddy (sob sob will be ok)
Sunday morning we set out to just this. I was along for the picture taking to help capture the event (as well as to snoop along on this special project for them). Mallory walked right into the store and knew immediately which animal she wanted. A bright blue teddy bear. She didn't want to look at any other animal after she saw the blue one. She waited patiently in line with Brent. She picked out a heart, rubbed it to warm it up, kissed to add love and then put it in her bear. Once it was all said and done her bear was stuffed, washed, clothed and boxed up ready to go home. She named it "Peef". I made not a scene. Not a tear.

Peef "pre-stuffing"

Washing up!

All boxed up and ready to go home with us
When you ask her what is special about her bear, this is what she says "When daddy goes to Oklahoma, and I miss him, I will just hug my bear to feel better."
Lord help me get through this. I need a bear.
Aww..that is the most adorable story. I love it. Have a great 2009!!
gosh made me tear a little. you can hug me or Justin if you want. :)
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