Sunday, December 28, 2008

Holiday week 1

Well we are just wrapping up the first of 2 holiday weeks. We had a very nice Christmas, filled with family, too much food and some great gifts. Christmas Eve was spent with the Crandall's and it was great to see the extended family. Santa made a surprise visit to drop off his Christmas gifts--he was a little early as the kids were downstairs playing with a few of their new gifts. Apparently his watch said eastern time and he thought we would all be in bed! Anyways, he made his stop, quick as ever with his elves and we didn't even see him. We heard him "ho ho ho-ing" and "Merry Christmas-ing". The story of Santa is long, worth the post at a later date. A 3 year old, a 4 year old and a 6 year old give some pretty great reactions to such a visit...

Christmas Day was with Brent's family down in Jordan. The kids went out sledding and then got all tired out and all three took a nap. It was nice for the adults to open a few presents without the younger ones "helping" out. It was a great couple of days!

On Friday, Brent and I met the Jovles down at Treasure Island for a night away just the four us. This, we use as the excuse, is because Brent is leaving for a bit and we wanted to have some time away... Kristen struck it lucky and you'll have to check out her blog for all the details on her new gambling addiction :) The Eid's weren't as lucky. The company was fun, the hot tub was a little "eye stinging", but the strawberry pancakes for breakfast made all the worries disappear. Thanks for the fun time guys!

Next week brings the big 3rd birthday for Mallory. Wow. I always get a little taken aback around this time of year about how fast time goes by....I can't believe it. Three seems so old. I'll try not to get too ultra sappy when the day draws nearer...but you might just have to bear with me on a few posts :)

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