Sunday, October 19, 2008

Belated Birthday Wishes

My sister Kate celebrated her birthday on Saturday--her age in numbers doesn't really matter. As long as we are all aware of the birth order of the Crandall girls--we can just leave it at that. I am the younger, she the older. With the busy-ness of the weekend I forgot to send my birthday wishes out to her.

Happy Birthday Kate!!!

A bunch of us, family and friends, went bowling on Saturday for her birthday. Mallory had no idea what bowling at an alley was all about. She was thoroughly confused and asking millions of questions before we got there. Why there "ladies" there? (meaning why do we bowl on lanes) Why we bowl inside not outside? Why it called an adley? Once we showed her what it was all about she had tons of fun. She continues to grow socially and by the end of her first game she was more interested in chatting with everyone else then rolling her ball down the lane--this is where she really takes after her mom. There was a handful of kids--most of who outscored the adults. We had a fun pizza party after and cookies for dessert!

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