Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I think the sunflower is confused

If you are into the garden posts, you may remember the post about my friend Bambi taking a tour of the garden. Among other things, he ate the tops of my sprouting sunflower plants and I thought I had seen the beginning and end of the sunflowers. Well, to my surprise we had a few fighters that made it through and one opened up into a beautiful sunflower last week. For a really long time we weren't sure if the flower was going to open or if was just going to be the stalk of the plant growing and growing, but she persevered and proved us all wrong. Of course, this news doesn't come without the "but" that you are all waiting for.
It seems our strong, beat the odds sort of sunflower, has a bit of a disability. Sunflowers are known for their ability to follow the sun throughout the day. When we planted the seeds we positioned them so that when were sitting on the deck we could watch them move throughout the day. Our lone sunflower was born without this ability. She stands tall and proud with her pretty flower, facing east all day long. She never swivels her flower petals, her stalk and leaves stay firm facing towards the sunrise, long into the afternoon, evening, and sunset.
Bad picture--but this shows the sun facing the flowers back

We have two other plants that turn their stalks and leaves towards the sun,
long before a flower even appears.
Disability and all, it sure is a pretty flower

1 comment:

Robin said...

OOOOooo, she is a beautiful sunflower!