Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bambi is only cute on TV

We woke up on Friday morning to the horrible news that the garden had been vandalized by a deer. Now at first Gary thought the deer (Bambi my ass) just stuck his head over the double fence to have a little snack consisting of my sunflowers. Sad as I was, I got over it thankful that he (or she I guess) didn't make it all the way into the garden. Later that morning Brent and I walked out to check out the damage. When we got into the garden we saw destroyed lettuce--which lies in the middle of the garden. GRRRRRR. Then we see hoof prints that went across the entire plot. When it was all said and done, the deer somehow pushed the fence over, ate a nice appetizer of sunflowers, had a side salad with a few cucumbers, his veggie for the day was peas, and then, thankfully, he made his way to some one elses garden to have his main course. We aren't down too many plants. I replanted the sunflowers today--in the middle of the garden, and Gary sprayed some "leave us alone deer" spray around the perimeter of the garden.

Hoof prints through the pepper plants and the snacked on sunflowers...

So I hope this was the last time that an animal makes his or her way into the garden. If you have any great tips on keeping them out of the garden, please let me know!!!

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