Sunday, September 16, 2012

And then she went to Preschool

And she started doing things like,
**Packing her snack “all by myself
**Getting dressed, all the way down to her shoes on the right feet “all by myself
**Carrying her backpack from the car to her classroom “all by myself

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She marches in the doors of a classroom with 15 other students. She hangs her backpack and coat on a hook next to the apple stencil.  She washes her hands, finds her nametag (all by myself), and gives me a hug.  I tell her that I love her and that I will pick her up before lunch.  And just like that she is there and I am gone. When I pick her up she tells me all about her morning as we drive home.  She is proud to show me her art project and she is eager to sing me the songs.  The first day it was “Itsy Bitsy Spider”.

She is so bitty in size, I cannot believe she is old enough to be a preschooler.  But she is. And she is in the best place for someone her age.  She is learning already, trying to write her name, while telling me the letters.  She saw a pamphlet at the Vet yesterday and she quickly said “Look Mommy! Two O’s and one Sssssss”  She is proud to be in school and it is so fun to see her learning by leaps and bounds.

She has also used these first few weeks of school to decide that a big kid bike with training wheels, is the only way to get from one neighbors to the next.  She is too little to get on the bike by herself, but once on watch out as she proclaims “I go really fast!” And she does!

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Poor second child gets all the hand-me-downs, even a license plate with the wrong name.
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