Saturday, November 19, 2011


Since becoming a parent, one of my favorite days of the year is the first day it snows.  It never ceases to amaze the kids and watching them experience it is so much fun. Mallory saw it falling first and she exclaimed “It is SNOWING!! THIS IS SO COOL!”  She sounded so much older than she did last year…  Mikayla looked outside and said “Oh yeah nooow”  Her response made it seem like she sees snow every single day. 

The snow had barely covered the ground and Mallory was begging to go outside and play.  She bundled herself up and out she went.  Barely skimming the ground and not nearly enough to make a snow ball, she had a blast.  She came in, warmed up and when Mikayla woke up from her nap we bundled her up and we all went outside.  Mikayla took one look at the snow, squinted her bright blue eyes and said “Bye Bye nooow”.  She took a few steps onto the driveway, but the driving snow was no fun for her.  She kept telling the snow bye-bye and when I told her we couldn’t make the snow go away, she turned around and went in the garage to play. 

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When Brent got home from work they all bundled up again and headed out back.  One long sled ride, a snowball fight, and lots of tackles, they all had a blast.  It is going to take some getting used to for Mikayla, but with Brent as her dad, she has no choice but to love snow. 

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1 comment:

molly said...

oh my gosh! i'm not ready for all the snow this year!!