Monday, August 9, 2010


Dear Mallory,

It’s been a while since I’ve written about your development so I thought I’d give a few words devoted just to you.  You really have become quite the little girl this summer.  You are darn ready to leave the “preschool” years behind, but alas you have one more year to give it your all before heading to Kindergarten next year.  You are in love with dresses and you hate when I make you wear shorts on rainy days.  I am dreading the fall and winter when sundresses give way to the need for long pants and long sleeves. 

You have been on a few field trips with preschool this summer including the fire station, the post office, the Old Log Theater, and Underwater World.  You are making some wonderful memories and great friends at school.  You thrive on learning and being in the classroom, so it doesn’t surprise me that you want to be a teacher when you grow up (along with a mommy, a doctor, and a fire fighter (as long as there are no fires around)). 

Most days you make me smile more than not.  We love reading books together, cooking in the kitchen and coloring at the table.  It hasn’t been all easy this summer.  You and I have had our fair shares of battles lately.  You are becoming your own person with a tremendous amount of desire to have independent thoughts and actions.  I can’t blame you as you are rounding the corner on turning five.  You have proven this desire by handing us a bit of an attitude.  We are dealing with a “no tolerance” rule and, for the most part, you understand what the deal is; that mom and dad are the ones in charge.  You can be very stubborn—thanks to your dad.  You also cry very easily when your feelings are hurt-thanks to your mom.  Your eyes are still blue and as big as ever—they, along with your huge smile, make your whole face shine. 

You went to your very first “kid only” party.  She was a friend from preschool.  When I dropped you off (in your perfect party dress) you pranced off and joined the group of the other 4-almost-5 year olds and you fit right in.  When I picked you up a few hours later you came bounding up the steps with a lip”glass” necklace.  You were smearing purple lip”glass” all over (and around) your lips.  You were so proud. 

You are such a fun big sister.  You take great care of Mikayla, making sure she is safe and out of harms way.  Mikayla idolizes you already I can see it in her eyes.  She wants to do what you are doing and be where ever you are. 

You lead wherever you go, and whoever you are with, seem to follow.  They tell me this is an amazing trait to have.  But I’ll be honest it scares me a little bit.  Your dad and I are doing our best to raise a confident, beautiful, self sufficient little girl.  I hope we arming you with all that is necessary for you to meet the great potential that you have. 

Watching you change this summer has been so great.  You are growing in ways I never thought possible.  I love you and I am so proud to be your mom.

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