Thursday, July 30, 2009

The word is at the tip of her tongue...

We all have had that feeling. We are trying to tell a story or tell somebody something and you forget a word. Your mind goes blank and you feel like the word is at the tip of your tongue. For adults, we usually just apologize and say something to the effect of "Oh I forgot what I was going to say..." Three year olds don't do this. At least not mine. She just chooses to interject whatever word comes to mind if she can't think of what the correct word is.

I know you are dying for a few examples...

Example 1:

Yesterday my dad, Mallory and I were on a walk along a path by our house. I said something to Mallory about finding a caterpillar along the path. Now, she just had a whole lesson at preschool about caterpillars. They had them at school, put them in a little net, watched them form their chrysalis (which was a cocoon when I was in school, but whatever), and then observed as they turned into butterflies. The whole process only takes a few weeks and they were all amazed by the outcome. She talked about it for a few days afterwards and had the correct terminology down at the time. When we were walking along and I asked about the caterpillars she replied "No mommy, all of the caterpillars already made their kayaks and turned into butterflies." Hmmm kayaks. Who knew a little caterpillar could widdle its own kayak...Don't worry after my dad and I played along with the kayak for a minute, I corrected her on the word.

Example 2:

Mallory's preschool took a field trip to the library today. Usually they listen to story time and then check out a few books for the preschool. Today they had a special presentation on Ninjas. They were able to learn all about the origin of Ninjas (Japan in case you were wondering) and some of the different techniques Ninjas use to guard themselves. Personally, I think this means that they showed the kids how to fight like Ninjas, but who knows. She wrestles enough with her dad that I am not too worried about her pulling some Ninja move on one of her friends...

Anyways, when I picked her up from school today I asked her how her day was. I got the typical answers to my questions: "What day is it?" WEDNESDAY! "What month is it" JULY! "What is the season?" SUMMER! I then asked her about the library, "What did you learn about at the library?" In a real growly voice (as growly as Mallory's voice can go) she says "MINNOWS!" After a quick giggle as I drove on, I asked, "do you mean ninjas?" "Yeah, minjas." Oh well, close enough.

Don't you just hate when you just can't think of that word you meant to say...


Amanda Jean said...

Hahahahaha! That is so cute!

Only 4 days, 7 hours, and 15 minutes until your little 6 lb 12 oz, 20 in. long little bundle of love is born! Are you excited?

Amanda Jean said...

By the way, I just think you should know...

I have no resident taking over my uterus, and yet I have eaten over half of a watermelon today. And it's only 3:40.