Monday, July 27, 2009

Hodge Podge

38 weeks pregnant and all I have to do is sit back wait. If you know me, I don't do this very well. At. all. Everything is progressing the way it should, we just have to wait to see when this little girl decides to make her entrance. The doctor told me on Monday that he didn't think I'd make it until my appointment next Monday. Whoa. Baby within a week?? Crazy Crazy. I have been feeling off for the past handful of days, so I am hoping he is right. He did let me know that if we do go as far as next Monday we will set an induction date for Thursday, August 6th. Only time will tell... Anyone have any suggestions for starting labor? Apparently even though I get contractions they have no rhyme or reason to regularity and this baby just continues to play with us on her arrival time.

We visited the garden this past weekend. We grabbed a whole bowl full of peas and even pulled a few carrots to see how they were coming along. If you have kids and a garden, I recommend planting carrots. They grow all sprouty and green and then when you pick them there is a super fun surprise under ground. Not sure who got the bigger kick out of pulling them, Mallory or I.

1 comment:

Chris, Kristy, Jack, and Autumn said...

I'm not sure if this is an appropriate comment to leave on your blog, so I'm apologizing in advance, but if you're looking to induce labor - have sex. Sperm contains prostaglandins, which can ripen the cervix. What's more, if you orgasm, your body releases oxytocin, the bonding hormone, which causes contractions. From a medical stand point - you can't go wrong:)