Monday, November 3, 2008

When the socks are dirty...they aren't clean.

In the craziness that Sunday nights are I forgot to empty out the dryer and fold the clothes. I remembered this as I was getting Mallory ready for a tubby (a highlight around here as usually she just showers). Brent was busy on his computer with his fantasy team and all that it takes to run a few leagues on a Sunday night, but I still managed to get his attention. "Honey, Can you please take the laundry out of the dryer and fold it, please" I am pretty sure his response was "Yeah" (with his head facing the computer screen...)

I give Mallory her bath, dry her hair and I am about to put her towel in the dirty clothes basket that was sitting on the floor outside the bathroom--not quite full and waiting for the sheets that would come off the bed Monday morning, when I see the basket gone. Hmmmm I thought I put it here to take the towels out of the bathroom... I proceeded into our bedroom to see that all of the DIRTY WHITES that were in the basket had been folded and, except for my clothes, put away. This means that Brent took an ample amount of time taking dirty clothes out of the basket, folding them and putting them away. "Didn't the socks look dirty and worn? Didn't your shirts look all wrinkly and smell like deodorant?" His response back to me... "I was just thinking we needed new socks."

Good Lord. Note to self--ensure you have eye contact before giving instructions. Better yet-don't give instructions on a Sunday during football season.


Amanda Jean said...

LOL! Woopsies!

Kristen said...

lol. he gets a few points for trying and actually following his wife's instructions...

Tom, Jaime, Kendra said...

LOL! That is hilarious! Good job Brent!

Anne said...

hahaha! Funny!