Monday, November 24, 2008

The last Garden Update

So you thought you were done reading about the garden. Well, just one last post before I seal my lips on that topic until the snow melts and the seeds bud. The garden has been tilled, the grass clippings bedded down and the pumpkins tossed into the plot to decompose.

You may remember the intruder to the garden at the beginning of the growing season, it bothered me to no end. Well, I have come full circle and now I welcome the deer to the garden as they eat the leftover veggies. I am sure I will be kicking myself in the spring, as allowing them into the garden at one point is a bit like allowing my toddler to stand on a chair "just once" leading to always standing on chairs, but anyways its fun to see what they eat. Because they are allowed, the deer have done a great job and pushing down the fence and it appears from the chomped on pumpkins it has become a regular pit stop on their way through the yard. This afternoon Lucy woke up from her dog snooze, looked out the window and started barking the "I see something out the window that shouldn't be in my yard" bark. Sure enough, the big buck that has been making seldom appearances sauntered his way through the yard munching on clover as he walked down the hill. He took a turn into the garden and tasted each pumpkin before he made short order of the 'non trampled' fence before exiting. He seems to be an 8 pointer, and pictures don't give his size justice. You can tell I am a city girl because he fascinated me enough to take a handful of pictures and blog about him. He had no clue that as he walked along, doing his normal daily thing, that he was "blog worthy".

Here he is through the binoculars. For the sake of Christmas, this was in fact, a sighting of one of Santa's reindeer coming to check on Mallory. Now if that isn't enough to scare her even more...

Here he is in the garden. He is camouflaged pretty good. If the eagle is at 3 o'clock the deer is at 9 o'clock.

1 comment:

Lexie said...

Wow! you even have eagles in your garden!! :)