Monday, February 2, 2009

It's been a week...was I on vacation?

Heck no! What a week... Mallory has been sick, battling a cold and what I thought was the stomach flu, but was really a sinus infection. Really you'd think the two would be hard to get confused, but trust me it took me a while to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. As of tonight, I think we have everything under control, let's just hope so anyways.

Saturday afternoon while Mallory lay in bed doing everything humanly possibly to not fall asleep during nap time, I switched the TV on to TLC hoping to catch a Jon and Kate marathon. It wasn't--instead it was a marathon of 17 Kids and Counting. Um. Ok, so I've heard of these people and watched the occasional hour long special on their family, however I have never sat down and watched an entire episode of their new series. I couldn't stop watching, and it was not because of the great ideas and inspiration they gave me. The oldest was getting married, to a woman he has never even kissed, was just the beginning of what this family was all about. Don't get me wrong and don't go commenting on how great of a family they are...I know they are great and holy in their own way. That style of living just isn't for me. Can you imagine what Brent would say if I said to him "Honey, Let's let God decide how many children we should have." HA. His response would be. Go find your own Jim Bob, cause that isn't what I am about. WOW. If you haven't watched an episode you should, you never know you might go thinking about changing your lifestyle.

We spent Super Bowl night curled up watching the game and commercials, while I read books to Mallory. My favorite commercial? Hands down, the Doritos snow globe. It's been all over the news, so I am sure you have all seen it. HILARIOUS. I definitely liked the dumb humor commercials vs the others.

I had a few great moments with a three year old over the past week. We were bowling on Saturday night (yes this was before she threw up and after I thought her runny nose was just never going to go away). She asks the big bouncer who is sitting at the entrance to the bar/restaurant, "Do you live here?" The bouncer replies back "No." (Gee thanks for being so nice to my kid, but whatever) Mallory, clearly not able to see that this man had no liking for kids preceded to carry on this (one way) conversation "Do you live in 'dere?" Using her thumb, pointing into the restaurant... The big bouncer replies back "No, I live in a house." "Oh" Mallory says and before she has the opportunity to ask the bouncer where his house is, what color the walls are, and if he as a dog, we leave. I laugh to myself believing now that this little girl would talk to anybody, except of course, if it even remotely reminded her of Santa.

The second moment came after I got done reading Mallory one of her Clifford (you know the big red dog) stories. This particular story was all about how Emily Elizabeth (ringing a bell yet for all you non parents out there) got her dog Clifford. When it was all done she turned to me and said "Mommy can you tell me how we got Lucy." So I told her how the story went and how her Daddy went and picked out Lucy. She was so happy that her Daddy didn't pick out any other dog and that he chose Lucy...she ended with "I need to go give my Lucy a hug because I love her." Now whether this was a very very smart technique at prolonging bedtime, or an honest show of affection for her dog, it won my heart over and I let her go find her doggy to give her some love. What a great kid.

Oh and one last note on this random blog post:

My husband comes home in 11 days!!!!
Even though its just for a visit I am going to drink in every minute of having him here!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

I'm a huge Jon and Kate fan, but feel the same way about the Duggars! My mom and I have been talking about the fact that we can't stop watching when it is on...but we really DO not like hem!!