Before Brent left we video taped him reading a few of Mallory's favorite books. He sat snuggled in her bed, with the dog curled up next to him. He slowly read the book, saying "turn the page" each time the page needed to be turned. I sat behind the camera, not sure whether I should smile at the man who has become such an amazing father, or sob at the thought of his absence each night at bedtime. I did a little of both :)
I waited until Brent was in class and unable to talk to Mallory on the phone or via the web cam before I brought out the tape. When I told her what we were going to do, she didn't quite understand the concept. As soon as the tape played--she was in awe. The sparkle that lights up in her eyes when she sees him was lit again. She thought it was a live feed from Oklahoma and asked in amazement "Why, why, why (clearly confused) why does Daddy have Lucy in Oklahoma?" I explained to her that it was just a tape and then she wanted nothing but Daddy and Mallory time.
I am not sure if she listened to the story or just listened to her Dad read to her. Of course she wanted more when it was all done. I assured her that we would have Daddy read again another night. She climbed into her own bed and snuggled down with her animals.
31 more days and Brent comes home for a visit.
I. can't. wait.
How cute is that? OMG, what a good idea!!
Goodness, Kristie, you've got to stop making me a sobby sappy mess!
That is the sweetest thing in the world. I am still in awe of your relationship with each other, and with Mallory.
Aww.that is the sweetest thing ever! I hope the time goes so fast for you all. :)
Ooops..posted from the wrong blog before..sorry!
I'm glad that she was so happy! Can't wait to see all of you soon!
What a great idea Kristy--just melts my hard! I give you and Brent a lot of credit for making the best of the situation you are having to deal with. Take care!
Oops!! Goodness..too early in the day I guess! melts my "heart"!!! Guess I was thinking about how hard this must be for you :)
Happy belated to your little one!
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