Tuesday, June 24, 2008

She went to preschool

Mallory had a big day on Tuesday. It was her first day of preschool! She had so much fun...what a relief. She didn't cry when we dropped her off, Kathy (her teacher) said she had a great day and when we picked her up and she was all smiles when she saw us. She made a very nice 4th of July wind sock, she ate lunch with the other kids, played outside on the "big firetruck" (in her words) and (brace yourselves) she even took a nap with all the other kids. Yup. She laid down on the floor, with her blanket, stripes, and Mr. Elephant and took a nap. I was shocked. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor before I could say anything else to the teacher... This coming from my child, who, given the opportunity will lay wide awake singing, chatting, pretending in her dark, quiet, nice and comfy cozy bed, and will not sleep.

This is the YMCA's Power Up Preschool program for 2 year olds. She goes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-2:15. If all continues to go well, she will continue this throughout the summer and next school year.

There was a written daily report that we received from her teacher telling us about the day. It gave us information on how she ate lunch, what activities she preferred and then a little note about her day. The teacher wrote (awwwww moment ahead) "Mallory was very caring and helpful with her friends today! She did Great!" What a nice little girl we have! I am so proud of her.

I couldn't let her first day of preschool go unphotographed. I can't believe how big she is getting! And a big Awwwww for Lucy--such a nice doggie!


Tom, Jaime, Kendra said...

She does look so much older now! It is incredible how fast she is growing. It is also scary! Before you know it she will be starting kindergarten. Hope today went well. Talk to you soon!

Kristen said...

awww she is growing up. Almost brings a tear to my eye! I knew she'd do great.