Friday, December 3, 2010

BrightWing is Back

Brightwing came for a visit 23 days before Christmas.  He dropped off our Christmas books-including a few new ones.  He even left a letter for Mallory and Mikayla.  It just so happens he came on the same night that the tooth fairy made her second visit to our house.  Can you even believe it?  Below is the letter that BrightWing left…

Dear Mallory and Mikayla!

Happy Christmas season! BrightWing is back! I stopped by your house 23 days before Christmas and let me tell you the North Pole is a flurry of activity. Santa is away visiting the shopping malls hoping to talk to each and every little boy and girl and get their most favorite Christmas wish. That leaves Mrs. Claus and the Elves to take care of all of the toy-making up North. I’ve been busy, but I know you’ve been waiting very patiently for all of your Christmas Books.

As you know, I am the Book Elf. Reading is so very very important and Mallory I am so glad to see that you are starting to learn to read all by yourself! WHAT A GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT! I am sure proud of you! Practice Practice Practice and soon enough you will be reading all sorts of books.

I am leaving you with a few new books today too. I know you don’t have many Franklin books so I thought that would be a nice addition to your Christmas book collection. The second one I brought talks all about the real meaning behind Christmas and why we celebrate it. Santa and the Elves want to make sure that all the little kids know that Baby Jesus is the real reason behind our special Christmas season.

Have a great 23 days and I hope you enjoy the new toys that Santa will put under your tree!

Love BrightWing

Hey! It’s pretty neat that the Tooth Fairy and I came on the same night! She actually rode part of the way on Rudolph’s back—good thing fairies and elves are little, there was plenty of room for two!


Can I just say that I love being able to tap into the wonder and awe once again?  I LOVE IT.  Mallory is a believer once again and it is so great.  Mikayla toddles about fairly oblivious to the Christmas season.  She leaves the tree alone which makes me very very happy.

So yes,  Mission Tradition is coming alive one step at a time…what a fun ride yet again!

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