Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An unusual tour

Well, today is Wednesday and we have been potty training for 3.5 days. No accidents since Sunday and she continues to do really home. Our 'one step back' happened yesterday when she attempted to go to preschool. She is scared of using any other "potty" besides her little plastic ones that sit on the floor. GREAT. Now I have no clue what to do. After calling a few seasoned moms, talking with a girlfriend who teaches preschool, I decide our mission today would be take a Tour of Public Pottys. It dawned on me that the poor girl probably really had no clue other bathrooms existed outside of home because she is never in them. Now of course she has been in other houses with bathrooms and has seen the occasional restaurant or mall bathroom--I am not a complete hermit. But I do try really really hard to avoid public restrooms and when her and I are out and about we make it home for the needed pit stops. So this morning came and onward we went to a few stores in Woodbury to check out the facilities. Mallory insisted on wearing her bright red and sparkly "klip klop" shoes which looked super snazzy with her pink striped socks.

We went to Kohl's first and headed for the bathroom. Mallory asked a million questions. I tried to answer them all honestly--even when the lady in the stall next to us started making some noises ehhhehhhmmm and Mallory wondered what that was. "Everyone who uses the bathroom needs privacy. Let's just worry about what you are doing." One older lady commented and said "My what a big girl you are to use the Ladies Room." Mallory's response "Why is this the ladies room?" I answered back "Ladies use one bathroom and boys use another so we each have our privacy" The mission was accomplished today she tried each bathroom out, sat on each potty and of course washed her hands.

Marshall's was this bathroom has a dryer! Dryers are fun!

We ended our tour at preschool so she could get the chance to use that potty and ask all the questions she wanted without a bunch of kids climbing around. Now, lets just hope tomorrow comes without issue when she walks into preschool with her mind full of the needed public potty knowledge to get through the day.


Amanda Jean said...

What a wonderful mom you are!

Anne said...

Haha - What a great idea!!!