Saturday, September 27, 2008

A birthday wish!

Happy Birthday Lexie!!!
So thankful I didn't forget....
Remember those first few weeks as a college freshman? To this day, I am not sure if the feelings that rush back to me are those of excitement or anxiety--I am sure it is a little bit of both. I had a great college experience. Sure I had my fair share of hard classes, cafeteria food and heartbreak (thanks Brent)...But I had the world's best set of friends. We met Lexie (I say 'we' because Megan and I were inseparable as college freshmen--if it wasn't for her I would never have lasted even 2 months at River Falls)...anyways I digress. Lexie lived just around the corner from us. She had a contagious personality and one of my very first memories of her (besides when she told us she had a sister who lived in Woodbury) was when she told us, out of the blue, that it was her birthday. Megan made up a quick card and we stuck it under her door after her and wacko went to bed. From that day forward we were friends. I have never laughed as much with another person in this world, than I have with Lexie. We are each other's Muppet's. We have this, unexplainable way of making each other laugh at just about anything.

Lexie is one of those people who everyone wants to be friends with. She has a contagious sense of humor, a warm smile and a kind soul. Though we are separated by 200 miles we still manage to talk on the phone every few weeks. I miss her most when I say something that no one else laughs at but me, knowing that if she were around, she would have laughed (maybe even ran if I was really lucky).

This birthday shout out goes all the way up to Rothsay Minnesota. Happy Birthday Lex! I love and miss you!!!

Me and Lex having screwing around on my wedding day at the salon.

1 comment:

Lexie said...

Thanks Cran for the birthday wishes. You are such a great friend, ummmmmmmmkay. LOVE YOU TOO!!