Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nothing much...

Sorry for the lack of posting. Our Internet went down...GASP!

We had a pretty mellow week. We went to the cabin over the weekend. The weather was great--just enough wind to keep the horrible mosquitoes away. Mallory was able to break out her swimsuit and she loved the water and the non existent beach.

The garden is growing so fast! We still love to go out there everyday and see how big the plants are getting. From what we have heard, its been a slower growing season due to the cooler weather we've been having. I am not sure what my favorite plant has been to watch grow (not that you've asked--but I am telling you anyways) I think its a toss up between the cucumbers and the pumpkins.

These pumpkins are so sturdy and I can't wait to watch them grow into big vines with big orange pumpkins on them! These plants are about as long as a can of pop. Each leaf is about the size of the top of a pop can. Make sense?

Tomorrow we are heading over to pick up Caleb and then driving down to spend the day with Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Terry. The weather is supposed to be nice so it should be fun...I'll be sure to post pictures!

Besides those few things. Nothing else is new. Not a thing.

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